Glass photos posted using #throughglass hashtag

Testers tweet first Google Glass photos

Google Glass testers have shared their first photos taken with the new wearable technology.

Around 1,000 developers across the world currently have the Explorer Edition of the device, and many have started tweeting their photos using the hashtag #throughglass.

HBO GO’s product manager Lucas Perlove posted a particularly striking, if not slightly terrifying, Glass image – a menacing looking dentist.

There has been a lot of divided opinions about Google Glass, especially around the subject privacy and consent. Some states in the US have proposed a ban on using the tech while driving, but that hasn’t stopped one tester taking this image of himself. At least he had his seatbelt on.

Google’s chairman revealed last week that consumers will likely get their hands on Google Glass in a year’s time, but for now here’s some other popular shots, check out the #throughglass hashtag on Twitter for more.

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