How many of these social media faux pas are you guilty of?

Better Business: Top 5 social media mistakes

Lorelei Gibb highlights the key ways of maintaining a top-notch social media presence…

Theoretically anyone can manage their own social media. But remember, what you post online broadcasts to the world what type of business you really are.

With this in mind, here are the top five social media mistakes made by businesses:

1. No consistent branding: All social networks give you ample opportunity to personalise your profiles.

You can customise the background and the text colour on Twitter; you can add your logo and a banner on Facebook; and even Linkedin business pages have room for branding – so make sure that ALL of your accounts match your company branding.

2. Look at me!: Too many companies use social media to broadcast to the world all about themselves.

This is harking back to ‘old school’ marketing methods – if you are not giving value online people won’t listen.

3. I must post five times a day!: You may have been told that you MUST update your social media ‘x’ times a day/week, or else… or else what?

Whilst I concur that you need to maintain a regular online presence, it is better to skip a few updates than to post rubbish, so if you don’t have anything worthwhile to say, then don’t, take a break.

4. No cultural sensitivity: Don’t post the exact same message on all of your social media channels at the same time. I know it makes life easier for you, but it puts your followers off. The people who use Facebook want something different to the people who use Linkedin – make the messages be for them rather than about you.

5. I can’t hear you!: If there’s one take away from all of this, it has to be respond! If someone takes the time to ‘like’ or comment on your Facebook, or RT you on Twitter, reply to them!

Lorelei Gibb is Marketing Director at

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