APC details revealed

Via Technologies release Android PC to rival the Raspberry Pi

Taiwanese manufacturer Via Technologies has unveiled the APC, an Android-based ‘pocket PC’ to rival the Raspberry Pi.

Like the Pi, APC is designed to connect to a TV/monitor. Unlike the Pi, which runs GNU/Linux system software, the APC features a custom build of Android.

“APC brings the familiarity and convenience of Android to the PC at a $49 (£31) price point that will open up exciting new markets and applications,” said Richard Brown, VP of marketing, VIA Technologies. “Like a bicycle for your mind, APC will enable more people than ever before to explore the vast online universe.”

The APC is powered by a WonderMedia ARM processor and is based on the new Neo-ITX form factor, measuring just 17cm by 8.5cm (apparently about the size of a banana). It consumes only four watts when operating at idle power and 13.5 watts at maximum load. This is ten times less than a standard PC system.

The APC will be shipped in July, visit www.apc.io for more details.

So it seems it’s Raspberry vs. Banana, what side are you on? Let us know in the comments section below.

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