Paris, Barcelona, Stockholm, Singapore and Lisbon also

More Google Maps cities go 3D including London

Google has added 3D buildings to the firm’s Google Maps desktop and mobile mapping service including London and Paris.

In December last year, Google unveiled Google Maps 5.0 which made the jump to vector-based true 3D instead of the birds-eye-view 2D of the previous versions. The move also meant that the map data was smaller and key locations, initially those in the US, sported 3D representations of buildings.

Nearly eight months on, Google has published 3D data for a range of new cities including London, Paris, Barcelona, Stockholm, Singapore and Lisbon. 11 major cities in South Africa also got the 3D treatment.

Users of the Android Google Maps client will be able to zoom and twirl around the view of the cities and see landmark buildings with ease.

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